Tired of being tired? looking at the ceiling and waking up in the same runt? … And the hormone excuse is out the window, finger pointing doesn’t work either way its pointed, wonder ‘what in the world is going here?‘ Nah this is not a pity party moment or taking on the victim role… No excuse is valid for living a life just because… Been there?  where you may want to scream and shout ‘what is happening?  when will this torture end???????…enough it enough… sick and tired of being sick and tired!’

I don’t know maybe I’ve hit the mid life wall… perhaps tired of running into walls… it’s insane… BUT it’s not that life isn’t right or good, actually life may just be alright– you have food, shelter, a job, a family… The heck you even have much more than the rest of the world and yet you are not completely all there…  something within keeps tugging at your heart–the quiet still voice–the constant reminder– “this is just not “IT”… This isn’t IT… This isn’t IT…” 

That’s where I am… For tonight I am tired… I am exhausted… An emergency evaluation is a must… AS I think about this life, the dreams, goals, the talents deposited within… I feel as if I am failing.  Shortchanging whats invested in me.  I am failing at who I have been called to be… I can’t do this anymore… As crazy as it may sound, I am tired of the chains weighing me down, the ropes tying me up, the sound of the voices, the false sense of fear, the kidnapped boldness and courage, the two timing  deceitful self trying to holds me down- rocking me to sleep, drowning my spirit, the creepy walking dead life… I am JUST DOWN RIGHT TIRED! Sooooo either I DO OR I DON’T!  YOU DO OR YOU DON’T!

WAKE THE HECK UP PEOPLE… Share your talents… move with purpose and valor… God hasn’t created in YOU a spirit of fear but of BOLDNESS.

I don’t know if you have a story to tell, a talent to share, a hug to give, a sorry to say or your knees to bend… I don’t know if you think you can’t afford to go back to school or learning that vocation or even applying for that Job…loosing that fat that quietly grew and spread your lovely figure… or just leaving that situation and moving FORWARD…


I have to do it… I have never been known to shrink back… I must take courage and move on… put on those boots stomp on that floor, quiet those voices and talk yourself into that God given purpose… Release yourself from fear…Don’t sleep on it… don’t breath to breath and no more excuses… Life is a gift, cherish it, share it, your talents are what will make this world a better one!

GET UP AND GO… need help along the way? ASK FOR IT!! Need to cry give it 5 minute–no more–puffy sad eyes aren’t too sexy.  🙂 Scared? IT IS OK, if it was easy everyone would do it.  Don’t know where to start? Do away with the FAT in your life which is weighing you down!  But Always remember Rome was not built in a day!

Everyday give thanks, for someone else may have it worse, remember funeral homes witness sorrow everyday, doctors dictate death sentences every minute around the world…Children are dying of AIDS, the homeless wo/man has it worse! SO EITHER YOU DO OR YOU DON’T!

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